the sunday times - best songs of 2006from the sunday times - december 17 '06 SIGNAL TO NOISE - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom signal to noise - winter '06 hanx - steve adey's best albums of 2006from hanx - december '06 no ripcord - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom no ripcord - november 6 '06 cd times - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom cd times - october 10 '06 penny black MUSIC - ONLINE interview
from penny
black music - august 25 '06 IS THIS MUSIC? - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom is this music? - issue 23 august '06 stylus magazine - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom stylus magazine - july '06 penny black music - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom penny black music - july '06 POP JUNKIE - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom pop junkie - july 17 '06 POP NEWS - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom pop news - july '06 (translated from french) penny black music - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom penny black music - june '06 altcountry.nl - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom altcountry.nl - june '06 (translated from dutch) uk fusion - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom uk fusion - july '06 SUMMER - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom
summer - ideabiografica - june '06 (translated from italian) BURN BURN - FIND THE WAY, CD SINGLE REVIEWfrom burn burn - july '06 is this music? - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom is this music? - issue 22 summer '06 uncuT - ALL THINGS REAL, ALBUM REVIEWfrom uncut - may '06 hanx - ALL THINGS REAL, ALBUM REVIEW
from hanx
- may '06 (translated from dutch) heaven - ALL THINGS REAL, ALBUM REVIEWfrom heaven - may '06 (translated from dutch) americana uk - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom americana uk - april 13 '06 jyllands PostEN - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom morgenavisen jyllands posten - april 5 '06 (translated from danish) the sunday herALD - ALL THINGS REAL, ALBUM REVIEWfrom the glasgow sunday herald - march 12 '06 musicomh.com - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom musicomh.com - march '06 scotland on sunday - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom scotland on sunday - february 19 '06 THE SUNDAY TIMES - all things real, ALBUM REVIEWfrom the sunday times - february 12 '06 Lost boat MUSIC - ONLINE interview
with mette caspe - december '05 (translated from danish) |
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